Glenorie – Old Northern Road Safety and Parking for Glenorie Public School
Old Northern road in the vicinity of Glenorie Public School is a high traffic area during school drop off and pick up that represents safety risk despite the school zone. The safety risk is accentuated during major events such as school fairs, speech nights, school plays and sporting events held at the adjacent grounds.
To improve safety and parking access GPA is proposing:
1. Widening of the western side of Old Northern Road 70m prior to Schwebel Lane and 130m after traffic lights north of Schwebel Land
2. Widening of the eastern side of Old Northern Road parallel to Glenorie Park
3. Widening to incorporate
a. Safe parking with room to open a vehicle door safely
b. Cycle lane (Glenorie has a significant number of cyclists travelling through the area)
c. Adjustment of the foot path to accommodate the widening
4. Rolled edge kerb